
New Life Christian Fellowship Church

Come worship with us!

We are a Bible-based, non-denominational church.

Everyone is welcome!


Sunday, February 9th Church service is via Facebook live.  Service and Sunday School in person has been cancelled due to the weather.  Please join us at 10am on Facebook live!

We are now in the year of Redeeming the time by the grace of God.
  • We have begun our Conference call evening prayer at 8 pm - 8:15 for 15 minutes NIGHTLY through February 19th with the exception of Sunday evenings unless otherwise noted. The Conference Call # 857-232-0159 access code 163756.

Coming up...

Our Pastors

Reverend Johnny L. Burns,  Sr.

Reverend Johnny L. Burns,  Sr. has been the Senior Pastor of New Life Christian Fellowship, Inc. in Ledyard, Connecticut since November of 1992, along with his wife, Pastor Sharon  L. Burns.  Under his tutelage and strong leadership, New Life has grown immensely from a faithful twelve and is a  place where lives are delivered and set free by the power of God. New  Life Church is a beacon of light to all of Southeastern CT.

Reverend Johnny was called into the ministry at the age of  sixteen and has over thirty years of front line ministerial experience.  As a humble and obedient servant of the Lord with extensive biblical knowledge and diverse spiritual gifts, churches from various denominations throughout the country have called on him to come over and help them.
 His formal training is from Logos Bible International College where he became an instructor for Bethel Bible College.  As a  gift to the body of Christ, Pastor Johnny has held different offices in the  church and the secular community.  He is also currently recording a LIVE television program entitled “Reality of the Word” which airs on Comcast and Metrocast and is reaching and transforming lives.

Pastor Johnny L. Burns, Sr. is the husband of the bride of his youth, Pastor Sharon L. Burns, for over thirty-five years and the proud father of three children, one daughter-in-law and two sons-in-law, and grandfather of eleven and one great-grand child.

Pastor Johnny gives all honor, glory and praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus, who is the Christ.  “For the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me.”

Reverend Sharon L. Burns

Reverend Sharon L. Burns along with her husband, Reverend Johnny L. Burns, Sr. have been Pastors at New Life Christian Fellowship, Inc. in Ledyard, CT since November of 1992. Under their tutelage and strong leadership, New Life has grown immensely from a faithful twelve and is a place where lives are delivered and set free by the power of God.

Reverend Sharon was called into the ministry at the early age of five.  Her singing ministry took her to many states, television appearances, live recordings, local and national events.  She also had the opportunity to release her own recording entitled “Time is Running Out”. 
While flowing heavily in the ministry of song, Reverend Sharon accepted the call of God on her life to minister the preached word of God from behind the sacred desk. Her training over the years has been by the guidance of the Holy Spirit and setting under the teachings of her husband.
Rev. Sharon operates in all facets of the ministry. She is a dynamic teacher and preacher of the gospel who has been chosen to wear the prophetic mantle and freely flows in the prophetic realm. Rev. Sharon is currently a member of the Chaplaincy Board of the Lawrence & Memorial Hospital in New London, CT.  Rev. Sharon is also the Visionary and Founder of Kingdom Mantles Ministry which held its Inaugural conference in February of 2014 and expanded into the District of Maryland and Virginia area in 2016. This powerful entity, through its conferences, will Touch the innermost being and untapped potential, Transfer God’s wealth of empowerment and Transform the lives of individuals into God’s divine purpose and destiny.

Her endeavor is to always “practice what she preaches”.  Pastor Sharon is an example to the women under her tutelage of putting God first in your life, above all things, trusting Him at His Word. 

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26